Homer's Last Laugh

One weekend my wife was out of town with work. So on Saturday I decided to indulge on my nostalgia and get a playstation 2 emulator for my PC. I managed to get the emulator and an iso for Simpsons hit and run. I did not get this from the normal website that most people do. After the events of this tale I tried to get back onto the website but it never worked. Now I cannot even remember the name of the website. I downloaded it and started to play.
At first everything seemed fine. The first weird thing was that there was no tutorial like usual but I just thought that was because it was not the legitimate game. I went to talk to Marge. Marge said the idea of what she was supposed to (go to shop to get ice cream) but she said it in a very angry tone and used lots of curse words and insulted Homer a lot. Homer replied in a very scared and nervous tone. I accepted the mission then paused the game straight away. I was shocked. I at first thought it must be a glitch and I would just skip the speech from now on. Straight after I thought that though, I realised that these lines must have been recorded. I was confused but thought that it must have been some joke the voice actors had that was found and put into this version. I chuckled a little to comfort myself.
When I unpaused the game Marge started to kick Homer like the player could do. She did it 5 times before stopping and acting normally. Homer got up and I got into the car to continue the mission. As I was driving I heard very quiet sobs. They were so quiet that I thought I was just hearing things and ignored it. When I got to the Kwik E Mart, Apu did the same and insulted homer about his weight. Homer talked in a hushed sad tone and asked if he could just pay so he could get home. On the drive home any time homer hit something he would say “oh no. I did a bad bad. Marge is going to kill me.” His childish way of speaking that usually made me laugh terrified me. I went to speak to Marge again and she was very blunt with no insults. She asked Homer to ‘take Lisa’s science project or else’. I got into the car and started the mission. Skinner seemed a lot more hostile than usual ramming into Homer a lot. When I got to the school and talked to Lisa she yelled at Homer for taking so long and told him he ‘better get back to Mom or else’.
I went back to the Simpsons home. When Homer got out of the car his top came off for a split second. This revealed red marks and bruises on his back and chest. I went inside. Marge calmly asked me to talk to Flanders and left straight away after. I went to Flanders and he yelled at Homer for never giving his stuff back and told him to ‘get my stuff back or else’. I gathered his stuff and returned to him. He said to ‘never take his stuff again or else’. I continued in the game and everything was okay until I got to the part where you have to destroy smithers’ vehicle. He, like skinner before, was very aggressive and attacked me to the point he destroyed his own car. I continued to the plant. I did the mission where you destroy the couplets.
As I went to get into my car to go to the Simpsons house, something appeared on Homer’s arms for a split second. They were cuts, Horizontal cuts going all the way up his arms to his shoulders. I got home but the usual cutscene did not play it went straight to the mission loading screen. I followed the van to the place and in where Homer would usually speak he just cried for a while before I pressed skip. I drove to the grocery store to do the next mission. When I got there Marge said ‘Homer, help me or else!’ then the loading screen started. During the mission there was no music or talking at all. There was no clip of talking after the mission like usual. It just told me to go to the plant. I went to the plant and raced Smithers. He was once again very aggressive and rammed me a lot. I won the race. Burns simply said ‘Stop meddling in my plans or else’. Instead of the level complete screen I was told to go back to the Simpsons house. I just thought that I must have forgotten this part. I drove to the house and entered.
Homer started to move without me controlling him. He went back the way he came. He went through the stone cutters tunnel. All the paintings were replaced with Homer crying. He travelled to the plant. Where the green gloop usually dripped there was red gloop that looked like blood in its place. Homer eventually made his way back home. When he entered a cutscene activated. In the cutscene Homer is being attacked by the rest of the family. They were punching and kicking him while he was crying on the floor. Blood started to form on his face. The crying got louder and louder until the screen faded to black and the crying suddenly stopped. The cutscene continued with Homer slowly walking into the kitchen. He creeps up behind Marge who is doing the dishes and slits her throat with a knife. He turns and looks at Maggie and makes a shhh sound putting his finger on his mouth. He goes upstairs and stabs Bart and Lisa killing them both.
The screen faded to black and the program closed on my computer. A Google chrome tab opened. It was an EBay listing for a Homer Simpson plushie. The plushie was covered in blood. The price simply stated ‘Free’ and the description only had a link to an image. I clicked the link. The photo was off a dead woman. The photo looked so real that I reported it to the police. I talked to the police at the police station for a while describing what happened. I am pretty sure they think I am crazy. They said that they had found the identity of the woman and would be going to the Family’s house in the next few days to let them know. A few days went by when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw two police officers standing there.